Bad sector is a musical project created by Massimo Magrini (Italy). Graduated in Computer Science, he studied academic electronic music and works as a researcher in the Italian National Research Council (CNR). His research topics include digital signal processing and gestural devices for man machine interaction. He teaches Interaction Design at the Academy of Arts in Pisa. As Bad Sector, since 1994, he has been releasing many CDs, vinyls, tapes, always having good response in the international underground scenes. His first album, "Ampos", is generally referred as reference in the dark ambient scene. He usually presents his music in audio-visual performances, often using special controllers. Besides Bad Sector, in 2001 Magrini formed the project Olhon, together with the Where leading member Zairo, exploring the territories between dark ambient and field recordings, using only sounds recorded in extreme locations (caves, underwater etc.) as source material.

The popolarity of Bad Sector was built also with the many live performances (among others in Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, UK, France, Russia, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Australia etc.), a sort of hyper-DJ set in which Magrini often uses particular self-built gesture controllers.
"I'm still working my way through his (massive) discography, but I have to say - this guy's music is truly exceptional and unique. There's not a whole lot to compare it to. Yes, it's "dark ambient" or "ambient industrial" or whatever, but it exceeds the stereotypes and conventions of those genres with ease. I'd say that Bad Sector's music is "cinematic" but I feel as though that would diminish its power. Cinematic music is enslaved to the image on the screen and few "soundtrack" albums, in my opinion, overcome that limitation and stand on their own feet and with their own power. Bad Sector's music is better than that common stereotype of cinematic music. It's evocative, it's imagistic, it's pregnant with imaginal seeds which get planted and grow into their own ideas... His music suggests a polyvalent story capable of simultaneously divergent fractal narratives and you owe it to yourself to listen to him."
ExPandaBear , DiscoGS
"Probably the most intense and emotional dark ambient music ever created. Deep, seducing melodies for cyborgs and androids living in a distant future on an Earth covered in radiocative dust. Yes, I'm thinking of "Blade Runner" or, better, "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheeps?". I'd love to listen to Bad Sector scoring Ridley Scott's movie! A true genius, and a very humble person as well."
ScrapIron , DiscoGS
"A true genius. Bad Sector's otherworldly music crosses and melds genres (industrial, noise, ambient, electronica, experimental) and he creates genuinely scary and beautiful music that must be heard to be believed."
Minya, DiscoGS
Merchandise and general requests: